تمنين التحتـا – Tamnin El Tehta

تمنين التحتا وهي أًولى  بلدات قضـاء بعلبك فيهـا الكثير من الشواهد الحضارية كالنواويس والاعمدة التي تعود الى العصر الرومــاني وفيهـا عين مــاء اثرية مبنية بعقد حجري وتنســاب ميــاهـا بمزاريب محفورة في الصخـر. تمتــاز بلدة تمنين التحتـا بسهـلهـا الخصيب حيث تنتشـر زراعة الكرمة وزالخضــار والفـواكه والبطـاطـا

Temnin El Tehta is the first Municipality of Baalbeck Municipalities. It contains many of evidence civilizations as as the sacrophagus and columns dating back to the Roman age as well as the water spring which was built with an antique stone and where the water streams by gargoylesgraved in roks. As this town had an active Municipality, which worked on developing the town and providing services according the available capacities, and the most important achievements was a public garden which was an outlet for the residents
Tamnin El Tehta Municipality was characterized by its fertile plain where the cultivation of vine, vegetables, fruits and potatoes